Case Study: Woodies Sees 216% Revenue Growth With Ad Badger

Case Study: Woodies Sees 216% Revenue Growth With Ad Badger

The groovy wood-based apparel company, Woodies, shaded out bad ACoS and revenue decline by choosing Ad Badger’s platform to optimize Sponsored Product Ads.

About Woodies

Cory Stout started Woodies in 2012 to provide fun, beach-ready products made from wood and bamboo. In 6 years, he’s sold quality sunglasses to more than 50,000 happy customers. Listen to this podcast on how Woodies got started.
Woodies keep it simple, but fit a certain theme. People wearing Woodies are likely to be heard saying ‘See you at the beach!’ That mix of simplicity and beach vibes attract customers that want to look stylish, but can also be active while enjoying the sand. 

Using Amazon Ads to Improve Sales and Scale your business

Woodies wanted to scale, but were faced with the challenges of building a brand off Amazon vs on Amazon, having many products to offer, and the difficulty of getting started with Amazon PPC. Before Ad Badger, Cory said his account was disorganized and bids were all over the place. He needed organization and automated bids to bid the perfect amount every time. 

Cory created a great website to sell products on, but knew Amazon is where the audience is. He needed a solution to give his products visibility, keep his ad campaigns organized, and be able to increase the ROI he was getting from his off-Amazon site. 

Cory’s ACoS was reaching astronomical heights and revenue was improving, but not quick enough. He needed something to level up his Amazon account. 

Cory's website brings in traffic on his personal site and his Amazon product detail pages.
Cory's website brings in traffic on his personal site and his Amazon product detail pages.

Ad Badger Gets Woodies up to speed with fast optimization 

Woodies was one of the first large accounts on the Ad Badger platform. Once all Cory’s Seller Central data was loaded on Ad Badger, the Bid Optimizer went to work to cater to Cory’s Target ACoS. The Bid Optimizer worked furiously overnight to cut out wasted spend and lower Cory’s ACoS to reach maximum profitability. Negative Keyword rules were set to avoid wasted spend on clicks that didn’t pertain to Woodies’ product. 

On top of that, Cory was new to Amazon PPC. There was a learning curve that needed to be addressed. During his time with Ad Badger, Cory had 3 personal consultations and a total of 36 emails exchanged. 


The Results of fully automating your Sponsored Product Ads

In the months since using Ad Badger in early 2018, monthly revenue from PPC is now an average of 216% higher than it was in 2017 and monthly ACoS is down 47%.

Woodies Revenue and ACoS With Ad Badger

Here’s a breakdown of his Sponsored Product Ads with Ad Badger:

Woodies Sponsored Product Ads

We helped Cory break into Amazon PPC and we think he’s been happy with the results. 

Ad Badger Client Review

About Ad Badger

It also makes sense to add automation tools to your workflow. Ad Badger cuts out spreadsheets by automating keyword research and bidding to make it easier to take on more clients. You can spend less time on Amazon PPC and more time impressing customers. We also provide 1-on-1 support for all your PPC questions and personal videos to give feedback on your account. Let The Badger geek out over Amazon PPC so you don’t have to.