What are Amazon affiliate links?

What are Amazon affiliate links?

So, you’ve seen it on TikTok or YouTube—people raving about their latest Amazon finds and making money in the process. But here’s the question you might be asking: Can we actually cash in on this? 💵

The answer is a solid yes, but only if we play our cards right. In this guide, we’re going to break down everything you need to know about joining Amazon’s Affiliate Program, how it works, and how we can start earning from our content.

With Amazon owning nearly half of the affiliate marketing game, their program is a powerhouse for content creators looking to monetize their traffic.  If we’re looking to maximize our online earnings, diving into affiliate marketing could be our next big move.

In this guide, Ad Badger will talk about:

What is the Amazon Affiliate program?

The Amazon Affiliate Program, also known as Amazon Associates, is your ticket to earning money by sharing products you love. Whether you run a blog, website, or have a TikTok or YouTube channel, you can apply to join.

Amazon Associates - Amazon’s affiliate marketing program

Once you’re in, you can start promoting Amazon products using affiliate links. Each time someone clicks your link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission.

Not sure what affiliate marketing is? Let’s break it down.

The Amazon Associates program is one of the biggest affiliate marketing networks out there. It gives creators, bloggers, and publishers a way to make money by sharing Amazon products with their audience.

Once accepted, you can create affiliate links to share. If someone clicks on your link and buys something, you get a piece of the action.

Amazon’s commission rates vary depending on the product category, ranging from 1% to 20%.

What’s great about Amazon’s program is its flexibility. There are few restrictions on how you can promote your links, so whether you’re a YouTuber, a blogger, a TikTok influencer, or run an online store or review site, you can make it work for you.

How Does the Amazon Affiliate Program Work?

The Amazon Affiliate Program opens the door to earning commissions by promoting Amazon products. Imagine the potential—every time someone clicks your link and makes a purchase, you earn money.

It all starts with creating an Amazon Affiliate account, where you’ll be given a unique Associate ID. Once you’re approved, usually within 24-48 hours, you’re ready to start generating affiliate links. These links are your ticket to earning, and you can share them across your blog, website, or social media.

Here’s where the magic happens 🪄: when someone clicks your link and makes a purchase, you receive a commission. Amazon’s commission rates can go up to 15%, depending on the product category.

And it doesn’t stop there. Amazon uses tracking cookies to ensure you get credit for the sales. The 24-hour cookie captures the first purchase a user makes after clicking your link, while the 90-day cookie covers purchases that happen after an item is added to the cart but not bought right away.

Don’t miss out on the additional rewards Amazon offers through its Bounty Program. You can earn bonuses when people use your link to sign up for services like Amazon Prime or create a registry.

With so many ways to earn, the opportunity is limitless—start promoting now and watch your commissions grow.

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What Are the Requirements to Join the Amazon Affiliate Program?

To join the Amazon Associates program, there are specific rules and requirements you need to meet, outlined in Amazon’s program policies.

⚠️After signing up, Amazon will review your initial activity and may reject your account if performance standards aren’t met.

Your website must be public and contain accurate, up-to-date information, while mobile apps need to adhere to Amazon’s policy standards.

Supported social media channels include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitch.

Your platform must have recent content, with at least ten posts within the last 60 days, and all affiliate links must be correctly tagged. Original content is a must.

To remain in the program, you need to make at least three qualified sales within your first 180 days, and social media affiliates must have at least 500 followers. Accounts are often rejected for insufficient or unoriginal content, incorrect use of affiliate links, or non-compliant practices.

What Are the Pros and Cons of the Amazon Affiliate Program?

The Amazon affiliate program has its pros and cons.

On the plus side, Amazon links are trustworthy, giving you access to a global marketplace with millions of products to promote. You can choose to be paid by direct deposit, check, or Amazon gift cards.

What Are the Pros and Cons of the Amazon Affiliate Program

However, Amazon’s cookie window is short—referrals must add items to their basket within 24 hours of clicking your link to earn a commission. Promotion via email is not allowed, and commission rates are lower compared to some direct brand programs.

For those who see value in accessing a huge global market, the Amazon affiliate program may be a great fit. However, the inability to promote links via email might be a downside for some, especially if they have a large email list.

If you’re ready to start earning as an Amazon Associate, check out the step-by-step guide below.

What Are the Eligibility Guidelines for the Amazon Associates Program?

Joining the Amazon Associates program is free, but there are specific criteria you need to meet.

First, you must have a valid Amazon account and promote products through an active channel like a website, blog, or TikTok account.

Now, let’s take a look at the specific requirements for websites, apps, and social media channels to join the Amazon Associates Program.

  • For websites, you must own the site, have at least 10 original blog posts (with the most recent published within the last 60 days), and the site must be publicly available.
  • Mobile apps need to be available for free in major app stores, provide original content, and be distinct from Amazon’s shopping app.
  • Social media influencers need to have an active, public account on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok  with a business account required for Facebook and Instagram.

An established following with substantive engagement is also necessary. Be aware that these requirements can vary by country, so check the guidelines for your specific region.

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How to Set Up and Optimize Your Amazon Affiliate Account?

We’ll walk you through the essential steps to set up your Amazon Affiliate account, from creating a website to generating your first affiliate links. We’ll break down the process into clear, actionable steps so you can get started quickly and confidently. 

Each step is crucial to ensure you meet Amazon’s requirements and maximize your earning potential.

Step 1 : Create a Website or Blog
Set up a public website or blog where you’ll host content. Ensure it has at least 10 original, up-to-date posts, as Amazon requires active and recent content for approval.
ad badger web page
Step 2 : Navigate to the Amazon Associates Homepage and Click Sign Up
Visit the Amazon Associates homepage, and click on the "Sign Up" button to begin the application process for the affiliate program.
Amazon Associates - Amazon’s affiliate marketing program
Step 3 : Enter Your Account Information
Provide your personal details, including your name, email address, and any other required information to create or link to your Amazon account.
amazon affiliate marketing - sign up
Step 4 : Enter Your Website Address
Input the URL of the website or blog you’ve created. This is where your affiliate links will be hosted, so make sure it’s a well-maintained and active site.
amazon affiliate marketing - website
Step 5 : Enter Your Preferred Store ID
Select a store ID that will represent your Amazon Associates account. This ID will be tied to your affiliate activities, so choose something relevant to your brand or site.
Step 6: Explain How You Drive Traffic to Your Site
Amazon wants to know how you plan to bring visitors to your site. Outline your strategies, such as using SEO techniques, social media promotions, or content marketing to generate traffic.
Step 7: Choose Your Payment Method
Decide how you’d like to receive your earnings. Amazon offers options like direct deposit, physical checks, or Amazon gift cards. Make sure to enter the correct payment information.
Step 8: Create Amazon Affiliate Links
Once your application is approved, you can start creating affiliate links through the Amazon Associates dashboard. These links will be customized with your unique affiliate ID, ready to be shared on your website or blog.
amazon affiliate - process

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Key Strategies to Boost Your Amazon Affiliate Earnings

If you’re looking to maximize your income from the Amazon affiliate program, having a clear plan is essential.

Here’s a breakdown of specific, actionable tips to help you build a steady stream of income and make the most out of your Amazon affiliate account.

Zero In on Your Niche with Precision

Your first step is to carve out a niche where you can become the go-to expert. A niche isn’t just a segment of the market; it’s a focused area where your expertise can shine and where your audience has specific needs. To nail this, pick a niche that you’re passionate about. The more you care, the more authentic your content will be, and authenticity drives conversions.

For example, if you’re into tech gadgets, dive deep into reviewing and recommending the latest devices. The goal is to know your niche so well that your audience trusts your insights and recommendations.

Craft High-Value Content and Distribute It Wisely

Content is king 👑, but only if it’s valuable and reaches the right people. Focus on creating original, high-quality content that addresses your audience’s needs and questions.

Think blog posts, video reviews, detailed tutorials, and comparison guides. But don’t just stop at one platform—distribute your content across multiple channels like your blog, YouTube, social media, and even email newsletters.

For instance, if you’re reviewing kitchen gadgets, create a YouTube video demonstrating the product, write a detailed blog post, and share snippets on Instagram. The more places your content appears, the more opportunities you have to capture clicks and conversions.

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Optimize Your Content for SEO—But Be Smart About It

SEO is crucial for driving organic traffic to your site, but it’s not just about stuffing keywords into your content. You need to be strategic.

Start by researching long-tail keywords relevant to your niche—these are specific phrases that your audience is likely to search for. Use these keywords naturally in your titles, headings, and throughout your content.

Additionally, focus on creating content that search engines love, such as in-depth product reviews, how-to guides, and comparison posts.

Each of these should be optimized with clear, descriptive meta tags, alt text for images, and fast loading times to improve your search rankings.

Best Practices for SEO in Affiliate Marketing

Don’t Neglect Your Homepage

Your homepage isn’t just a landing page; it’s a key player in your SEO strategy. Optimize it by including your primary keyword in the homepage title and meta description. Ensure the page is mobile-friendly and loads quickly, as these factors directly impact your SEO performance.

Also, include clear, engaging content that immediately tells visitors what your site is about and why they should trust your recommendations. A well-optimized homepage can significantly improve your site’s overall search rankings, driving more traffic and boosting your affiliate earnings.

Build a Blog That Establishes Authority and Drives Traffic

Starting a blog is one of the best ways to establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Regularly post high-quality, informative content that addresses the specific needs of your audience. Not only does this help with SEO, but it also builds trust with your readers.

For example, if you’re in the fitness niche, write detailed workout guides, nutrition tips, and product reviews that resonate with your audience. Over time, this consistent, valuable content will help you rank higher in search results, drive more traffic to your site, and increase your affiliate conversions.

In summary, to maximize your Amazon affiliate earnings, you need to be strategic and focused. Choose a niche you’re passionate about, create and distribute high-value content, optimize everything for SEO, pay attention to your homepage, and consistently build your blog to establish authority. These tactics will help you create a sustainable and profitable affiliate marketing business.

You need more resources to master Amazon—our free checklist will be your go-to guide. 


In this article, we broke down the essentials of making the Amazon Associates program work for you. We talked about the power of finding your niche and becoming the go-to expert in that space, which helps you attract a loyal, targeted audience. We also dived into the importance of crafting top-notch content and spreading it across different platforms to boost your reach.

Smart SEO strategies are key to getting that organic traffic flowing, and we didn’t forget about the importance of optimizing your homepage and building a blog to strengthen your authority.

Put these tactics to work, and you’re on your way to creating a solid, money-making affiliate marketing machine.
