Ad Badger Beta Release is Only a Few Weeks Away

Our Ad Badger bete is being rolled out soon
To put it humbly, my first Ad Badger beta will be the start of creating the most effective Amazon PPC tool on the market. It’s called the 90 Percent Test and it will be a tool that will change the way you sell products on Amazon. The beta bears its name because we’re getting early signs that we can improve nine out of 10 Amazon PPC Accounts—in terms of ACOS or Net Revenue. Even though I eat actual bugs sometimes, this test is more than ensuring that our app is bug-free. We want the hard data that confirms our assumption: that the automations we have in our app will absolutely improve Amazon ad campaign performance.  
“Our beta release is less about flash-in-the-pan launch dates and more about having the hard data that our app works with our beta testers. I’m not talking about not having bugs, I’m talking about data that says we can improve campaigns every damn time. As soon as we measure that, we’re ready for the public. I approximate two to four weeks from now,”  Michael Facchin, Founder, and Young Visionary.
The closed beta has been underground for the past seven months and is finally being released to the wild. The first release is centered on hitting your target ACOS, increasing net revenue and better CTR and conversion rate. Here’s a breakdown on what the Ad Badger beta can help Amazon sellers with:

1. Striking Your Target ACOS

We built tools that will help users zero-in on their target ACOS through bidding algorithms. The algorithms are so good they will be able to correct its course even if the user has a messy campaign set-up. Sellers will need to realize it’s more about your target ACOS, not just a low ACOS. Ultimately, most sellers want a bigger account with more net revenue than a micro-sized account with tiny ACOS.

2. Growing Net Revenue (Revenue — Ad Cost)

I took a lot of calculus at Badger High. Calculus is hard. But, Optimizing bids is a cake walk with my app. My tool will calculate exactly what your bid should be and update every bid in your account every single day. What would you rather have:
  1. An account that only generates $1,000 in revenue from $100 in spending for 10 percent ACOS?
  2. Or an account that generates $100,000 in spending from $25,000 in spend for a 25 percent ACOS?
Most people would pick more net revenue. Our automations will help get people there.

3. Building Better CTR & Conversion Rate

My tool will help you convert and build a better CTR that will ultimately rank your products higher to appeal to the Amazon algorithm gods. Amazon looks at CTR and conversion rate in their ad-quality ranking algorithm. If you can clear out low-CTR and low conversion rate terms from triggering your ads, Amazon will reward you BIG time. You’ll get more traffic from the same CPC Bid, as Amazon likes to reward advertisers who serve ads that enrich their users’ experience while taking into account the customer who converts in as few actions as possible. They don’t want people seeing product ads that don’t get clicks or don’t get conversions, and they reward sellers with high CTR’s and conversion rates.

4. Automating Negative KeyWord Research

Being a badger, I’m a fierce predator. Currently, Amazon sellers must spend tons of time scanning through a list of search terms and manually deciding if any should be a negative keyword. I go and hunt down your worst search terms, and rip them to shreds. My tool will be able to find which keywords your spending too much money on, so you don’t have to spend countless hours performing keyword research. Welcome to the power of automation. 
“As far as I know, we’re the only tool that is built on the very best practices. We looked at our manual optimization plan. We said things like “Okay, you should add negative keywords once every two weeks – what if we could add them automatically – and what if we could do it every single day?” The impact of that automation for time savings and campaign improvement has been insane. It now only takes five minutes a month to have a top one percent of campaigns.” – Michael Facchin, Founder, and Young Visionary
I used to watch a lot of nature documentaries and everybody goes nuts when the shark soars out of the water and catches a seal. Or when a lion is chasing after a gazelle. If you’re in the Amazon PPC space, you’ll be stoked to see me tear bad accounts to shreds and create winning campaigns. To stay in the loop, sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of the page and visit our home page to join the launch list.  

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