Ad Badger's Amazon PPC Coaching Services

Custom tailored coaching for business owners, marketing teams, and agencies.

Our Amazon PPC Coaching Services meet you where you are and guide you to where you want to go.


Is this You?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then Ad Badger’s Amazon PPC Coaching Services are built especially for you!

What You Get


Stop struggling with free content and mass-produced courses.

We know it is difficult to translate theory and coursework into practice without guidance for your unique business.

Enter Ad Badger’s Amazon PPC Coaching Services.

We teach you how each PPC theory directly applies to your business.

Your all-in-one coach and PPC Expert advises you where to focus within your account, what techniques to try and avoid, and offers personalized recommendations for making important decisions to your Amazon PPC campaigns.

Your All-in-One Amazon PPC Coach & Expert

Our coaches love talking about business and Amazon PPC strategies. Your coach offers feedback on existing campaigns, assigns homework for maximizing your account’s optimization, and helps focus your next point of prioritization.

Have questions about your homework? PPC emergency pop up before your next scheduled call?

Don’t worry, our coaches don’t just assign you homework and leave you to it. They are available to help via e-mail within one business day.


Empower Yourself and Feel Confident With Your Amazon PPC.

Empowerment is the fuel that pushes us forward and offers the courage to follow our wildest dreams, and that is our main objective for you.

We want to empower you to take your Amazon PPC campaigns to the next level, and then to the next level, and then to the next– You get the idea!

Because our coaches are so thorough and offer custom feedback, you will gain the confidence to make your own Amazon PPC decisions. You won’t rely on us forever!

We give you the tools so you can independently operate your Amazon PPC campaigns when you’re ready.

Other Deliverables


120 Minutes of Face Time Each Month

You will receive two 60-minute calls, or four 30-minute calls, each month, scheduled by you to fit your calendar.
(Need more calls than that? That's okay! Additional call pricing available.)


Complimentary Campaign Audit

Each month, your coach provides an in-depth audit reviewing the homework you've completed and assessing the general health of your entire account to prepare for your next month's strategy.


Customized Optimization Calendar

Your coach helps co-build an optimization calendar custom to your business timeline and goals.


Coaching Fee
$ 2,250 Per Month
  • Minimum 3-Month Commitment

Here's What Our Coaching Clients Say

Ready To Transform Your Business?

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