Clement, 9 Year Amazon PPC Veteran Interviews Michael, CEO Of Ad Badger  [The PPC Den Podcast]

Clement, 9 Year Amazon PPC Veteran Interviews Michael, CEO Of Ad Badger


In this episode, Michael and Clément Hynaux, a campaign manager at Ad Badger, uncover the secrets to a successful transition from a service-based business to SaaS. Have you ever wondered how a business changes when moving from providing services to a SaaS model? Michael and Clément share their trials and triumphs on this battlefield.  Learn how to delegate tasks effectively, adapt strategies, and avoid common mistakes that could be costly for your business.

We’ll see you in The PPC Den!

Episode Highlights

  • 00:00 – Introduction
  • 02:31 – A motivating tale
  • 06:01 – Challenges in transitioning from service-based to SaaS
  • 12:01 – Adapting strategies and the importance of delegation
  • 18:01 – The role of machine learning in Amazon PPC
  • 24:01 – Practical tips for a successful SaaS transition
  • 34:01 – Closing thought

Links & Resources

Negative Keyword Target Nightly Hunt

This tool automatically finds and removes bad keywords from your Amazon ads, making them work better, even overnight.

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