How Do I Set Up My Amazon Author Central Profile?

How Do I Set Up My Amazon Author Central Profile?

Meet Amazon Author Central—your secret weapon for taking control of your author brand and amping up your book sales. With your own Author Page, you can show off your books, share your story, and connect with readers in a way that makes them want to buy. But let’s be real: setting it all up can feel like a hassle with so many steps to figure out.

That’s where Ad Badger steps in. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to create a killer Amazon Author Page, complete with simple steps and insider tips to help boost your sales and followers. 

Ready to get started? Let’s dive in and build an Author Page that readers can’t ignore!

In this guide, Ad Badger will talk about:

What is Amazon Author Central?

Many authors dive straight into publishing on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) but overlook setting up their Amazon Author Central account—missing out on a key tool to drive sales and build a following.

So, what’s Amazon Author Central all about, and why should it be on your radar?

Amazon Author Central

Amazon Author Central is a game-changing platform for authors who publish on Amazon.

At its core is the customizable Author Page, where you can showcase your author photo, a detailed bio, and even videos to give readers a peek into your world. 

Author Page on Amazon

One of the most powerful features is the ability to add editorial reviews to your book listings. These reviews can make a big difference in convincing potential readers to hit that ‘Buy’ button.

You can also track your book’s rankings in real time, so you know exactly how well your promotions or new releases are doing. Author Central also lets you see and respond to reviews, allowing you to build a direct connection with your audience. And if there’s ever an issue with your book listings—like typos, incorrect data, or misplaced categories—you can fix it right from your Author Central dashboard.

Since December 2022, Amazon has tucked the full text of your bio into a separate tab on your Author Page, which means readers have to click to see it. But don’t let that stop you; having a robust, engaging bio can make all the difference in turning a curious reader into a fan.

Remember, every interaction on your Author Page is a chance to connect and sell more books.

Ad Badger’s team of marketers and engineers have created the best tool on the market for helping you reach your success.

What is an Amazon Author Page?

Your Amazon Author Page is a dedicated space on Amazon where readers can learn more about you and your writing.

It’s the one-stop shop for all your books, neatly organized in one place, making it easy for readers to browse, buy, and follow you.

You can also link your website, blog, and social media, creating a seamless extension of your author platform. 

Here’s why you need an Amazon Author Page:  it’s not just about showcasing your books; you can add a compelling author bio, upload videos, and even share your latest blog posts directly on the page.

By having a professional Author Page, you’re telling potential readers, “I’m serious about my craft,” which can be a game-changer in a crowded market.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Author Page:

  • Upload a high-quality author photo and write a bio that connects with your readers. Include fun facts, your writing journey, and what inspires your work.
  •  Make sure your website, blog, and social media accounts are linked. The more ways fans can connect with you, the better.
  • Keep your page fresh by adding new books, updating your bio, and sharing recent blog posts. 
  • Add editorial reviews to your book listings directly through Author Central. 
  • Encourage readers to follow you on your Author Page. They’ll get updates when you release new books, keeping you at the top of your mind

Not familiar with how an Author Page looks?

Go to Amazon, type in a book title, and look under the title for the author’s name.

If it’s clickable, that’s their Author Page.

Setting Up Your Amazon Author Central Account

Let’s face it—publishing your book is just the beginning. Without an Author Central account, your books are scattered and harder for readers to find. Worse, you miss out on key features that let you manage your author brand, track your book rankings, and respond to reviews.

This is your chance to create a dedicated Author Page where readers can find everything about you and your books all in one place. 

Setting up an Amazon Author Central account is straightforward, and we are here to walk you through it so you can get your Author Page up and running without the hassle.

How to Set Up Your Amazon Author Central Account:

They might also check with your publisher to confirm your identity, which can take a few days. But while you wait, you can start adding info to your Author Page—like your author photo, bio, and links to your social media.

You can’t make changes to your book listings until verification is complete, but you can still get the basics of your page set up.

Ready to dive in?

Let’s get that Author Page looking sharp and explore some pro tips for making it stand out.

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How to Set Up Your Amazon Author Page

Keeping it updated with your latest books, photos, courses, or videos helps you stay connected with your audience and boosts your visibility.

Here’s how to get your Author Page set up right.

Step 1: Add an Engaging Biography

Start by crafting an interesting and authentic biography that draws readers in. Your bio is your chance to share your story, highlight your achievements, and connect with potential readers.

Make sure it includes key elements like your background, awards, hobbies, and any projects you’re proud of.

Mentioning where readers can find you on social media or your blog is a great way to build a deeper connection. Even though Amazon doesn’t allow clickable links, people can still copy and paste the URLs.

How to Add Your Biography to Your Author Page:

  1. Click on the Profile tab in your Author Central dashboard.
  2. Look for “Your Biographies” and click “Add bio” or “Edit” if you already have one.
  3. Copy and paste your biography into the provided space or type it directly.
  4. Click “Preview biography” to review, then “Save biography” when you’re happy with it.

Remember to keep it simple—plain text only, no bold or italics, and at least 100 characters long. 

Writing an engaging bio for your Amazon Author Page: where 'professional author' meets 'awkward oversharing.

Step 2: Add a Photo 🖼️ to Your Profile

Your photo is one of the first things potential readers will see, so make it count!

Whether you choose a professional headshot or a mix of professional and personal photos, make sure it reflects who you are. If relevant, consider adding images that resonate with your audience, like a family photo or a picture of you speaking at an event.

How to Add a Profile Photo:

  1. On the Profile tab, click “Upload New Photo” or the blue pencil icon to update an existing one.
  2. Choose a square photo that’s at least 300 x 300 pixels.
  3. Select the picture from your computer, click “Open,” and then “Publish” to save it.

Add a Photo to Your Profile Amazon Author Page

Step 3: Check Your +Follow Button

The +Follow button on your Author Page lets readers keep up with your latest releases and announcements. This button is already enabled by default, but it’s worth checking to ensure it’s visible and functioning properly.

Your biggest fans will click that button to get updates on your new releases, so make sure it’s there and ready to go.

Advanced Strategies for Optimizing Your Amazon Author Central Page

Setting up your Amazon Author Page is just the beginning. To truly leverage its potential, you need to go beyond the basics.

Whether you’re juggling multiple pen names, co-authoring books, or simply looking to polish every detail, here’s a deep dive into advanced tactics that will turn your Author Page into a powerful sales and engagement tool.

Include Every Version of Your Books

Many authors don’t realize that not all versions of their books automatically appear on their Author Page.

Missing out on formats like audiobooks or hardcovers means missed sales opportunities, as readers often prefer different formats.

To ensure your Author Page showcases all versions, navigate to the “Books” tab in your Author Central dashboard. Scroll to the bottom of your bibliography and click “Add a book.”

Use the search bar to enter your author name, book title, or ISBN. Once you locate the missing versions, click “This is my book.”

If your book doesn’t appear correctly or your name is misspelled, you may need to contact Amazon support for troubleshooting. Listing every edition not only completes your catalog but also caters to various reader preferences, boosting overall sales.

Managing Multiple Pen Names

Writing under multiple pen names can complicate your Author Page setup, as Amazon creates separate pages for each name. This can be confusing and make managing your author brand feel fragmented.

To add a pen name:

  1. Go to the “Books” tab on your Author Central dashboard.
  2. At the top, you’ll see a link that says, “add it now.” Click it, and enter the title, ISBN, or pen name associated with the book.
  3. Find your book in the search results, click “Add this book,” and confirm by selecting the option that says “[Author Name] is my pen name.”

Amazon will then verify your identity, which may involve checking with your publisher. Once verified, you can manage up to three different Author Pages from the same account without publicly linking them.

 If you need more than three pen names, you’ll need to set up another Author Central account with a different email address.

Claiming Co-Authored Books

Co-authored books can present challenges because Amazon doesn’t offer shared author pages, meaning each co-author must individually claim the book.

If you’ve co-authored a book, ensure that you claim your role by navigating to the “Books” tab and following the same steps as for solo titles.

Search for the co-authored book, select “This is my book,” and it will appear under your Author Page.

For maximum impact, include a mention of your co-authors in your bio or a link to their Author Pages. This cross-promotion can be a valuable tool for marketing, as it directs your audience to your co-authors’ works.

Brand Your Author Page URL

A standard Amazon URL can look messy and unprofessional, making it less appealing when shared on your website, social media, or newsletters.

While Amazon no longer offers custom URLs for Author Pages, you can create a cleaner, branded link using a link branding service.

Brand Your Author Page URL

Add Editorial Reviews for Credibility

Editorial reviews are powerful selling points, yet many authors overlook adding them to their product pages, missing out on valuable social proof.

To add editorial reviews:

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Step 1 : Go to the “Books” tab, choose the book you want to update, and click “Edit book details.”
Step 2 : Under “Your Editorial Reviews,” select “Add review.”
Step 3 : You can add up to five reviews for physical books, three for audiobooks, and one for Kindle editions.

Aim to feature reviews from reputable sources, such as well-known bloggers, industry experts, or popular review platforms.

Use Book Recommendations to Engage Readers

Without recommendations, your Author Page might miss opportunities to guide readers through your catalog or showcase your influences.

Utilize the book recommendations feature by navigating to the “Reports + Marketing” tab and clicking “Create Recommendation.”

Amazon allows you to recommend both your books and those of other authors. Use the provided prompts to create recommendations that align with your brand and resonate with your audience.

Use Book Recommendations to Engage Readers

Expand Your Presence with International Author Pages

Sticking only to the U.S. Author Central limits your reach, especially if you have an international readership.

Set up Author Pages for other markets, such as the UK, Germany, Japan, and France, by visiting their respective Author Central sites (e.g.,

Customize each page to suit the local audience, including translating your bio and ensuring book listings are accurate for each region.

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How to Use PPC Strategy for Promoting Your Books on Amazon

Promoting your books on Amazon requires more than just a great cover and catchy title; it’s about visibility.

One of the most effective ways to boost your book’s visibility and drive sales is by using Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising.

Here’s a guide to help you set up and optimize a PPC strategy to get your books in front of more readers and increase your sales.

Understand the Basics of Amazon PPC

Amazon PPC is a type of paid advertising where you bid on keywords relevant to your book. When someone searches for those keywords, your book can appear in the sponsored results at the top of the search page or on product pages.

You only pay when someone clicks on your ad, hence “pay-per-click.”

Types of Amazon PPC ads:

  • Sponsored Products: these ads promote individual book listings and appear in search results and product detail pages.
  • Sponsored Brands: banner ads featuring your brand logo, a custom headline, and multiple books. This option is great for promoting a series or multiple works.
  • Sponsored Display: these ads target relevant audiences both on and off Amazon, which can be effectively retarget potential readers who have shown interest in your genre.

Set Up Your PPC Campaign

To start your PPC campaign, go to your KDP dashboard and select “Promote and Advertise” next to your book.

Choose the type of ad you want to run, typically starting with Sponsored Products for a single title.

Steps to launch a campaign:

    1. Choose the book you want to promote from your KDP library.
    2. Start with Sponsored Products for straightforward keyword targeting.
    3. Decide on a daily budget. Start small, around $5-$10 per day, and adjust based on performance.
    4. Choose keywords that potential readers might use to find books like yours. Amazon provides keyword suggestions, but you can also add your own.
    5. Decide if you want your campaign to run continuously or for a set period, such as around a book launch.
    6. Although most ads use the book’s existing cover and description, you can customize the copy to highlight key selling points or a promotional offer.

Optimize Your Keywords

Selecting or not optimizing the wrong keywords can result in wasted spend and low visibility.

Use Amazon’s keyword suggestions as a starting point, but refine your list by doing your research. Include keywords that are highly relevant to your book’s genre, target audience, and unique selling points.

Think like a reader—what would they type into the search bar to find a book like yours?

Golden tips from Ad Badger 🥇:

  • Use a mix of broad, phrase, and exact match types to test what works best.
  • Regularly review and refine your keyword list based on performance data from your campaigns.
  • Consider using long-tail keywords (more specific, multi-word phrases) as they often have less competition and can attract more qualified clicks.

Amazon Keywords in Seller Central

Use Negative Keywords

Add negative keywords to your campaign to prevent your ad from appearing in irrelevant searches.

For example, if your book is a sci-fi novel, you don’t want it showing up for romance book searches.

Adding “romance” as a negative keyword will help keep your ad placements more targeted and cost-effective.

Leverage Retargeting with Sponsored Display Ads

You might be missing out on potential readers who have shown interest but haven’t made a purchase yet.

Use Sponsored Display Ads to retarget users who have viewed your book but didn’t buy it. These ads can follow potential readers across Amazon and even off-site, reminding them about your book and encouraging them to return and make a purchase.


Amazon Author Central is like your personal billboard on Amazon—think of it as your author HQ, where readers can find everything about you and your books all in one spot. It’s where you can show off your bio, update your fans with new releases, and even keep tabs on your book rankings. Plus, you can throw in some editorial reviews to boost your street cred.

Setting up your page is a breeze: just link your books, add a snazzy photo, and write a bio that makes readers want to grab your books.

It’s a simple way to look legit, drive more sales, and keep your fans in the loop.

So, don’t miss out—get your Author Page up and running, and let Amazon do some of the heavy lifting for you.
