How Do I Use Amazon Ad’s Console Export Feature? [PPC Den Podcast]

How Do I Use Amazon Ad’s Console Export Feature


Let’s say you log into Amazon and what you see is wildly different than last week; you have over 100 new campaigns. How do you determine where to focus your time to discover what changed and where? Insert the export button.

This week, Ryan and Michael quickly overview a tip you can use quickly. The export button is a simple feature that can save you time at the campaign and keyword level and it can also help avoid duplication when creating new campaigns with variations.

We’ll see you in The PPC Den!

Episode Highlights

  • 0:00 Intro– stomach flu
  • 1:43 The Export Button
  • 4:26 Campaign change over time
  • 11:40 Quick negative exact to avoid duplication
  • 15:26 Recap & overview
  • 17:20 Outro– allergies

Links & Resources

If you missed them, check out our previous episodes of The PPC Den Podcast:

Podcast Credits

Thank you, Michael Erickson Facchin, Nancy Lili Gonzalez, and Pedro Moreno for creating this episode!


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