How ZonGuru’s Halo Effect Method Finds You Powerful Keywords to Help Scale Your Business

ZonGuru Amazon SEO

Has the time come for you to scale up your FBA business? Then it’s time for a keyword strategy that ranks you up! Gone are the days of just dumping your PPC budget on high-volume keywords, though. Unless you’re a big name brand with a big advertising budget, it will be hard to own popular keyword phrases. If you want to stay competitive, you need to get creative. What if I told you there was a way to scale your business up with a field-tested, proven strategy for ranking your FBA business up using keywords you can easily dominate? It’s called the Halo Effect, and it’s your ticket to page sales!

Our ZonGuru sales pros have spent a lot of time studying this phenomenon. So much so that Jon, our CEO, was invited to Amazon’s Australia Day to give a presentation on it! Read on to learn the basics of the concept, as well as find out how you can unlock exclusive ZonGuru content designed to help you harness it effectively.

How The Halo Effect Ranks Your Private Label Business Up

The core of the Halo Effect is centered around 2 things: Amazon’s A10 algorithm, and long-tail keywords. The A10 algorithm is Amazon’s way of analyzing millions of listings and ranking them based on a variety of factors. The better your ranking, the better your page placement. The better your page placement, the better your sales! If you want to go up against the competition, you need to learn how to make A10 work for you. 

At first, A10 may seem fickle and mysterious. But there is a method to its madness. When it sees a listing making conversions (i.e., actually making sales), it gives that listing some ranking love. A10 loves it even more when your listing is converting on lesser-known keywords. When it sees a high conversion rate for keywords with low PPC bids, it goes, “hmm, this seller must be doing something right,” and begins organically ranking your listing for more popular keywords. In other words? You start scaling your business by appearing in high search volume SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) without having spent the associated high PPC bid to get there!

Here’s a fun fact about the Halo Effect: ZonGuru users who adopted this method saw a 7.5x increase in sales

Want a step-by-step guide for harnessing this strategy to scale up your own business? Head over here to find out how to make it yours!

So, you know the concept. But what keywords should you look for?

Why Long-Tail Keywords Matter

To find keywords that take advantage of the Halo Effect, you need to know what “long-tail” keywords are. These are hyper-specific, relevant keyword phrases. Think something along the lines of “solar powered USB battery charger for camping trips.” 

Obviously, a keyword phrase like that isn’t going to have a high search volume. The trade-off, though, is that keywords like that have high conversions rates. Think about it: if someone searches for something that specific, it means they know exactly what they want and are ready to make a purchase. 

So, the key to scaling your business up is pretty simple: target these lesser-known, easier to dominate long-tail keywords. Once A10 sees you pulling in sales with them, it’ll start inserting your listing into more and more popular keyword results pages. ZonGuru’s Keywords on Fire tool helps you find these keywords. Learn more about how this tool supercharges your private label listing optimization here.
Want to learn how to make this conversion-grabbing keyword strategy work for you? Head over to ZonGuru now to learn how you can watch Jon’s Australian Day talk, unlock a step-by-step guide for implementing the Halo Effect in your own FBA business, and more now!


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